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Nutritional value and collocation of boneless chicken fillet
time:2020-12-16 15:25:15Pageviews:748

Chicken fillet is cut into strips with chicken breast. When cutting, first cut the chicken breast into pieces, and then cut the pieces into strips. Because the cut chicken breast is like strips of willow leaves, it is called chicken fillet

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Efficacy of chicken fillet

1. Rich in niacin, it can promote the health of digestive system and blood circulation.

2. It is rich in protein and can maintain the balance of potassium and sodium and eliminate edema. Improve immunity, conducive to growth and development.

3. It is rich in phosphorus. It can form bones and teeth, promote growth, arrange organs, supply energy and vitality, and participate in the regulation of acid-base balance.

4. It is rich in copper. Copper is an indispensable micronutrient for human health. It plays an important role in the development and function of blood, central nervous system, immune system and bone arrangement.

Matching ingredients

Onion, carrot, pineapple, green pepper, mushroom, tomato, peanut, potato, pepper.

Selection method

Look at the color. Normally, fried food should be golden. Repeated use of oil due to the presence of some sediment, may make fried food attached to the burnt material, dark color, no paste flavor, but color black.

Pay attention to oil fumes. When the oil is repeatedly used at high temperature, there will be more oil fumes. If you see more oil fumes when frying in fast food restaurants, it may be the recycled oil.

Smell it. Repeated use, especially the frying and frying of fried foods, may cause peculiar smell, food is sticky, and foam will appear when heated.